
Turning Over a New Leaf: Circular & Greener Economies

Climate change is poised to deal much damage to the already covid-ravaged economies of the ASEAN region. Thus, a post-pandemic recovery must reevaluate the current linear economic model of "take, make, use and dispose" and explore greener, "circular" models that minimise waste and foster sustainable economies. This raises the question of what would a circular economy approach look like in Southeast Asia and what are the challenges faced in adapting the 4th Industrial Revolution in such an approach?

Mr. Anbumozhi Venkatachalam

Director of Research Strategy & Innovations, ERIA

Ms. Kaitlin Shilling

Associate Principal & Australasia International Development Leader

Mr. Reynolds Tang-Smith

Business Analyst at McKinsey


A New Wave: The Rise of Fintech in Southeast Asia

The market for e-businesses has been growing at a double digit rate, and with it cryptocurrencies, setting the ASEAN region as a hub of digital growth and the expansion of the virtual world. However, this unprecedented growth has brought with it unique challenges, while the lack of regulation has created loopholes that exacerbate wealth inequalities in the region. This session will explore how governments, institutions, and businesses can adapt in regulation and response to this fundamental change in consumerism and wealth, considering what the rise of financial technology means for wider ASEAN societies and economies.

Dr. Felix Tan

Associate Professor & Senior Lecturer of Information Systems, UNSW Business School

Dr. Eric Lim

Lecturer and Associate Professor, UNSW ASB

Ms. Lisa Wade

CEO of DigitalX

Mr. Reynolds

Business Analyst at McKinsey

Mr. John Siderides

Founder of NFT Syd

Mr. Abel Guan

Founder of DAOLink

Mr. Cameron Baker


Mr. Janson Lim

Co-Founder and CEO Hackmakers DAO

Ms. Cynthia De Vera

Sales and Strategy Manager, Swoop


Australia - ASEAN Economic Cooperation

The last decade has seen an increase in entrepreneurial activity in ASEAN, with 19.7% of the adult population in ASEAN engaging in total early-stage entrepreneurial activity. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) represent between 97% and 99% of firms and between 60% and 80% of total employment across ASEAN countries (Lee, Narjoko, and Oum, 2019).  In this session, we will hear from business leaders on how they grew their business, how young people can capitalise on the growing entrepreneurial spirit in ASEAN, and the risks and opportunities involved in navigating a post-COVID digital economy to pursue growth markets.

Adj Prof. Peter McKenna

Founder & Managing Director of Venturenauts and Guru Advantage

Ms. Jammy San Juan-Magsino

Chief Executive Officer of Frankie and Friends

Mr. Sam Guthrie

General Manager for Government & Policy, Austrade