Political Security

Interfering with ASEAN’s Non-Interference Policy

The ASEAN Charter contains a policy of non-interference in its members' affairs. This policy is challenged, however, when members contravene other principles of the ASEAN Charter, such as respect for the rule of law, or the protection of human rights. 'Interfering with ASEAN's Non-Interference Policy' examines the basis for non-interference; its operation in relation to Myanmar’s 2021 military coup; and what policy shifts, if any, might improve ASEAN’s response.

Dr. Morten Pedersen

Senior Lecturer of International and Political Studies, UNSW Canberra

Ms. Elaine Pearson

Acting Asia Director, Human Rights Watch

Ms. Susannah Patton

Research Fellow & Project Director, Power & Diplomacy Program, Lowy Institute


ASEAN: A Fractured Order?

ASEAN is a region of tremendous potential growth and bountiful resources, with the global powers of the U.S. and China both taking interest in the region. Having received millions of dollars in conditional aid from both powers, the nations within ASEAN’s borders are beginning to take sides, disturbing the neutrality needed to develop holistically. Thus, ASEAN is confronted with an ultimatum: development through siding with the U.S. or China, or a third, development via the ASEAN way?

Dr. Alexander Korolev

Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, UNSW

Ms. Susannah Patton

Research Fellow & Project Director, Power & Diplomacy Program, Lowy Institute

Mr. James Cerven

Regional Technology Officer U.S. Department of State, Sydney


Democracy & Corruption In SEA - Model UN

The ASEAN Declaration key aims include to 'promote regional peace and stability through an abiding respect for justice and the rule of law’. With the rising prevalence of socio-political challenges such as authoritarian regimes, uneven social development, political instability, and corruption, democratic regimes have come under threat in ASEAN. This session will examine the role of the rule of law and democratic ideals within the context of ever-changing politics within ASEAN, and ultimately, whether democracy is under threat in modern day ASEAN.