Our 2022 Partners


University of New South Wales

The UNSW Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion division creates an inclusive campus for all students and staff to reach their full personal and career potential by building on the diversity and cultural richness of UNSW’s many communities. Embracing the diversity of Southeast Asia, UNSW Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is helping students from all backgrounds connect to and celebrate the Southeast Asian region through supporting the 2022 UNSW ASEAN Conference: "Development and Diversity", where attendees are encouraged to embrace diversity as a pathway to growth and success.

Arc Clubs

Arc is all about facilitating the UNSW Student Life, their mission is to create the best student experience through Clubs, Sport, Volunteering, Events, Wellness, Help, and more. We are thankful of their support of UAC, where we collaborate to bring UNSW students an incredible experience of international networking, discussions on global issues, and cultural food right here at UNSW so you can make the most of your time at university.

Australia-ASEAN Council

The Australia-ASEAN Council (AAC) was launched on 8 September 2015 to generate opportunities for Australian business, education, science, innovation and the arts to work with partners in Southeast Asia. The council's mission is to increase knowledge and promote Australia's interests in Southeast Asia by initiating and supporting activities to enhance understanding and links between people and institutions in Australia and ASEAN


Medibank is a trusted organisation among international students in Australia, focusing on the betterment of lives and supporting individuals to maximise their holistic wellbeing. While UAC helps you build more social ties and international knowledge, Medibank supports your physical health! We thank them for their support of UAC.

Singapore Global Network

Singapore Global Network (SGN) and UAC share a vision of creating an international community around Southeast Asia. With thousands of members and partners, Singapore Global Network drives ties between Singapore and the rest of the world through business, educational, and community build initiatives. SGN’s generous support enables the UAC to likewise create awareness about recent ASEAN affairs through panel discussions networking among those interested in the region to encourage a better ASEAN future.

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