Event News

10th October 2020

SBY: Tidak Baik Jika Dunia Tiba-tiba Bergerak Ke Arah Unilateralisme

Translated: SBY - It would be bad if the world suddenly moved towards unilateralism


 11th October 2020

SBY: Saya Khawatirkan Hubungan AS dan China yang Memburuk

Translated: SBY - I am worried about the deteriorating relations between the US and China

SBY: Dunia Belum Berbuat Banyak dan Terlambat Perangi Pandemi COVID-19

Translated: SBY - The World Has Not Done Much And Too Too Late To Fight The COVID-19 Pandemic


SBY: COVID-19 Tak Perlu Paspor Atau Visa untuk Seberangi Perbatasan Negara

Translated: SBY - COVID-19 does not need a passport or visa to cross national borders


SBY Ingatkan Indonesia Tidak Berpihak ke AS atau China

Translated: SBY Reminded Indonesia Not to Side with the US or China

12th October 2020

SBY Bicara soal Corona hingga Hubungan AS dan China di UNSW ASEAN Conference

Translated: SBY Talks about Corona to US-China Relations at the UNSW ASEAN Conference

Jokowi Mendayung Di Antara Dua Badai

Translated: Jokowi Paddles Between Two Storms


Hubungan AS-China Memanas, SBY Ingatkan Indonesia dan ASEAN Netral

Translated: US-China Relations Heats Up, SBY Reminds Indonesia and ASEAN Neutral

SBY Ingatkan Agar Indonesia Netral. Tak Berpihak ke AS atau China

Translated: SBY Reminds Indonesia to be Neutral. Not Siding with the US or China


13th October 2020

Menlu China Ajak ASEAN Kerja Sama Beijing Hilangkan "Gangguan Eksternal" di Laut China Selatan

Translated: Chinese Foreign Minister Invites ASEAN to Cooperate with Beijing to Eliminate "External Disturbance" in the South China Sea

Berbahaya, China-AS Unjuk Kekuatan Militer di Laut China Selatan, SBY Ingatkan Indonesia Tahan Diri

Translated: It is dangerous, China-US Demonstrates Military Strength in the South China Sea, SBY Reminds Indonesia to Hold Back


17th October 2020

ရင်းနှီးမြှုပ်နှံမှုနှင့် နိုင်ငံခြားစီးပွားဆက်သွယ်ရေး ဝန်ကြီးဌာန၊ ပြည်ထောင်စုဝန်ကြီး ဦးသောင်းထွန်း University of New South Wales Virtual ASEAN Conference 2020 သို့တက်ရောက်

Translated: Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade; Union Minister U Thaung Tun attends University of New South Wales Virtual ASEAN Conference 2020


18th October 2020

ပြည်ထောင်စုဝန်ကြီး ဦးသောင်းထွန်း University of New South Wales Virtual ASEAN Conference 2020 သို့တက်ရောက်

Translated: Union Minister U Thaung Tun University of New South Wales Attended Virtual ASEAN Conference 2020

Union Minister U Thaung Tun delivers Keynote Address at 2020 UNSW ASEAN Conference

ပြည်ထောင်စုဝန်ကြီး ဦးသောင်းထွန်း University of New South Wales Virtual ASEAN Conference 2020 သို့တက်ရောက်

Translated: Union Minister U Thaung Tun attends University of New South Wales Virtual ASEAN Conference 2020